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"What touched you the most about Ira Training?"

We never realize what strength or what capacity is developed every module. Only when you need it, does it come forth.



Neetu Desai

Text study with Patries was like entering a kaleidoscopic world of possibilities. The unexpected patterns and images that came with the reading of the text was not just exciting, but also rejuvenating. It left us deeply satisfied and also wanting to take the next step forward - to read more, dig deeper, and twist that kaleidoscope one more time!



Praveena Shivram

A new perspective towards myself and the child has opened up - this is what I've been searching for a very long time



S. Renuka Karthikeyan

Nature Study and its power of penetration




Sathyadeepa Dhamotharan

The experience of understanding 'Who I am' 




Jayashree Kadambi

This is the first time I understood some parts of the text! Felt enlightened after finding the answers to my own questions! Through movement I understood the connection we share with other life forms



Navin S

The flow of energy in the group during Eurythmy and how the minutest of things could make us wonder about the purpose of the soul



Annapoorni Shyamsundar

Text Sessions; Evening lectures inspire you to understand the child as a whole and not just physical




Dr. Ajay Bhardwaj

First time I saw eurythmy as a dance, story, ways of teaching academics. Learnt to enjoy every single movement in eurythmy; learnt how to use brush and paint; Katherine taught us how a teacher needs to move with joy and be self centered




Vidhyalakshmi H

Ira, I feel is the most essential training that all who are working with, and all who wish to work with children, not so much to become a Waldorf teacher per se, but rather to ‘Become A Teacher’. Ira takes you into yourself; gets you connected to your innermost being and prepares you to 'be' with children in pure love and compassion.



Neelu Dhungana

I am a parent interested in alternate education, and I found Waldorf education feeding my passion. I came to Ira's induction program and was inspired by Dr. Lakshmi’s lecture. It has been an eye opener in many ways for me. I am proud to be in the first batch and I love it. I understand I am becoming a better human because of Ira. My relationships with my child and family are getting better, the way I look at my child has completely changed. 
   I found I have acquired a complete trust in myself as the modules pass on. The training has given me an unconscious inner transformation to become a sensible human being.



Sathya N Ram Kumar

The commitment of faculty, nature study, text study and eurythmy



Dr. Suchitra Ramkumar

My teachers. Lakshmi making Ira happen, Patryce's observations, gestures and voice. Nature study made me a scientist with a heart! 




There was an interweaving between the sessions. Whatever forms she made in form drawing, we could make a movement out of it. From the evening lectures, I realised how beautiful a human being is, how beautiful our body is, how beautiful children are! Sensitivity to others..




Study of embryo and rhythms of our etheric body



Dhatchayani V

While painting my own plant, I experienced a wonderful transformation from my vision




The whole module was excellent! The most touching aspects were movement activities and eurythmy



Borasai Lakshmi
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